About Us

Blejmarc Group


Blejmarc would like 110% of your IT wallet spend! No point being delicate about it, we’re a lean, hungry and ambitious organisation managed and staffed by like-minded individuals who want to be more/bigger than we currently are…. We have the critical mass (45+ people), revenue figures, and track record (since 2008 and every year over the past 5 years has been our best year yet – not bad in the middle of the seemingly never-ending economic recession) to not be considered as just one of those “fly-by–night” IT service providers that you’ll burn your fingers on…. But we are determined to remain “small enough” to still actually care and be concerned about your IT needs and pains (we actually know who and what our customers are/want), without the mass indifference, inflexible economy-of-scale (for them!) “cookie cutter” service bundles/costing models, constant bureaucracy and out-of-scope contractual re-costings associated with dealing with the big(ger) national IT service providers.

As a proud ISP, and through the divisions within, or specialist skill/function companies we’ve spun off under the Blejmarc Group umbrella, we are confident we can pretty much cover the whole spectrum of deliverables and services within (and outside) a client’s IT environment/portfolio – from architecture, infrastructure, managed and unmanaged monthly support services, recruiting & provision of specialised resources & people, bespoke systems development, security compliance & governance, through to specialised Microsoft project work.. And with our strongly principled, ethical, and “win-win” business philosophy (critical for the long-term business relationship/partnership we seek) driven by the two very active & hands–on business owners with supporting management team, we may very well have something you might be looking for…. Give us a ring or drop us a line, let’s meet, and we’ll both find out whether there’s any chemistry…. Whilst this approach to service delivery doesn’t make us the cheapest (though with our smaller “footprint” and associated lower overheads, you’ll be pleasantly surprised), what it does do is ensure YOU get a quality service model/delivery tailored to meet YOUR needs/requirements, not ours! Isn’t that the real definition of “service”?

Policies and Corporate Profile
