Our Services

Welcome To Our Services

IT Outsourcing

Are you a large SME becoming a junior corporate? Between 50 and 250 seats/devices? The office needs to be available “outside the office”?

Do you need a partner to help you move away the scenario where providing and supporting IT was a part-time/one person activity to now needing an IT Strategy/blueprint, IT Manager, and a team of support staff?

Are you getting to the point of needing standardisation, auditable process & procedures, high availability computing environment, and Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity?

Call Centre Solutions

We offer Professional Call Centre Solutions to easily manager your agent performance with the following features, Realtime Reports, Agent dial stats, Campaign Groups, System Training, Predictive Dialing and Minutes Save 40% on Calls

MSP Support

Our MSP Manager is cloud-based service management tool that helps us support our customers without interrupting Users’ Workflows and run an effective IT service business. A Service Plan (SLA) is a service item contract that can be assigned to multiple customers and allows for quick and easy bulk management of services that are consistent across our customers.

Securemail (SaaS)

Secure your business with Securemail from Blejmarc. If your business needs robust and easy-to-use security for your email, Securemail is the perfect solution for you. With advanced spam detection and 100% virus protection, Securemail is the final line of defence to protect your business from spam, viruses and phishing attempts. Blejmarc’s Securemail is delivered via the Cloud. This means there’s no clunky software to manage and an always-accessible management interface and unmatched availability.

VoIP Cloud PBX

Cloud PBX replaces your traditional PBX system with an internet-based voice solution that gives you all the functionality and control you need. Seamlessly configure, add, modify, monitor and future-proof your organisation’s communications infrastructure with Blejmarc’s Cloud PBX solution.

Security and CCTV Surveillance

Blejmarc cybersecurity firewall tools protects your computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. Our surveillance systems can be integrated with security systems and other information systems through wired or wireless data networks that allow you to transfer images from video cameras to monitors. Also we provide remote access via Mobile app to your DVR cameras.

ICT Infrastructure and Cabling

We design network diagrams for SME and corporate businesses and prepare a bill of quantities of the costs involved if you are to relocate or renovate your office. Also we provide Cabling services to ensure you have a stable internet connectivity on your LAN network.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Blejmarc offers Managed Services which are POPI compliant including Microsoft 365, Volume licensing, Data Recovery and ownCloud Backups. Blejmarc will assist to identify key data to retrive any lost information due to ransomware

Are you/is your business getting to the point where ERP systems are getting more and more attractive, but the cost to purchase, customise, migrate and support are keeping you awake at night? Let us help you with custom applications/middleware development and integrate your current point solutions to take your business further.

Is your computing environment ageing and out of date, out of warranty. Confused by all the strategies, options and advice out there. Let us help you move your IT environment and business forwards in the best way for your business.


Big Five

  • T-Systems
  • Dimension Data
  • Bytes Technology Group
  • BCX
  • EOH
Blejmarc is very proud of it’s ability “to punch way above it’s weight” when it comes to what we can do and who we’ve done it for with our limited resources (i.e. head count!) in comparison the “Big Five”…. When you’ve got lots of people, and lots of time and money for them to go on training courses, then certifications (and in the case of Microsoft “Competencies” which unashamedly is our area of excellence and “bread ‘n’ butter”) are easy to come by…. In our world, that’s more difficult to achieve but we do the best we can with what we’ve got, and are very proud of the one Gold and seven Microsoft Silver Competencies we currently hold there aren’t many service providers out there that do


Blejmarc is working on achieving this status through partnering with Microsoft until we reach its sales volume targets


  • Server Platform
  • Management and Virtualisation
  • Messaging
  • Hosting
  • Midmarket Solution Provider
  • OEM
  • Volume Licensing
But, where are your Microsoft Gold Competencies I can hear you asking? Unfortunately Gold Competencies are not something we at Blejmarc aspire to and/or chase after…. We accept and acknowledge it reflects the peak of skills and experience recognition from Microsoft, but the combination of the sales revenue figures associated to that competency, and the technician “certification lockdown” (once certified against one Gold Competency a technician cannot certify against another, so Gold is all about numbers) for other Gold competencies is a little unrealistic for an organisation the size of Blejmarc currently…. Silver competencies represent consistent capability, expertise, and commitment Gold competencies demonstrate best-in-class capability within a specific Microsoft solution area.